
Postal Code 116-0014
4-5-6 Higashinippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 

For Guests arriving by train

Nearest station
Uguisudani Station(JR)9 min. walk
Iriya Station(Tokyo Metro)8 min.walk

Approximate time from major stations to Tokyo BUNBUN

Click on image to enlarge☝︎

For Guests arriving by cab

Approx. 11 minutes from Tokyo Station
Approximately 19 minutes from Shinagawa Station
Approx. 22 minutes from Haneda Airport
Approx. 56 minutes from Narita Airport

TipsPrivilege only for customers coming by cab
Show your receipt and receive up to ¥1,000 cash back if you take a cab from Ueno or Tokyo Station.

For Guests arriving by car

We do not have car parking space. So please use the nearby public parking space.