Thank you for visiting our Samurai Show at the end of the year.
As the year comes to a close with only three days remaining, we were honored to welcome guests to enjoy the Samurai Show at Tokyo BUNBUN.
We sincerely appreciate your support and patronage throughout this year.
As we strive to provide even better experiences for our customers in the coming year, we kindly ask for your continued support.
From all of us Samurai performers, we extend our heartfelt gratitude and look forward to seeing you again.

Introducing the Portraits of Our Samurai
At Tokyo BUNBUN, professional actors bring the Samurai Show to life. Beyond their skillful swordplay, every expression they make is a highlight worth watching.
The subtle, detailed acting may be one of the key elements that add to the intensity and impact of the show.
Here, we present a glimpse of the captivating expressions of our samurai performers.
